Saturday, February 9, 2013

Silverstein - This Is How The Wind Shifts

Sometimes I love being proven wrong!

Doing this music blog, I realized early on that bands I haven’t given chances too would be brought up in reviews. Some bands would prove that they didn’t deserve my attention, and that they are over hyped (I’m looking at you Black Veil Brides). Other bands would prove that they deserve the attention and fandom they receive. I bring this point up because today we are talking about This Is How The Wind Shifts, the seventh album from post-hardcore heroes Silverstein. Silverstein is loved by almost everyone I know. I haven’t been on the love train of theirs because I just never really sat down with a Silverstein album. Listening to clips off their previous albums, nothing ever really stuck out to me. With this album, I get it...I finally get it. This Is How The Wind Shifts is a post-hardcore gem that while not perfect, flourishes high and about its competition.

The album is a concept album that focuses on the idea that a single moment in someone’s life can change that someone forever. Instead of being like most conceptual albums and following a narrative story line, This Is How The Wind Shifts takes a different approach of looking at multiple views of topics. Each track on the album has a parallel to it that discusses the same topic, but from a different mindset. It’s a risky, but creative idea that pays off in keeping your interest throughout the whole album.

Another strong point of the album is the fact that most of the songs have a catchy elements that grab your attention quick. A great example is off the first track “Stand Amid The Roar”. It has an infectious guitar hook that is one that I want to pick up a guitar and learn immediately, and I don’t even play guitar! Most songs have an aspect to them that will make you want to keep listening, whether it is a breakdown, a guitar hook, or some great lyricism.

The only bad note I can bring up is the shorter songs. Songs like “This Is How” and “Arrivals” take you out of the fast pace that the album brings up throughout the listening. The songs feel like interludes that don’t have as much power as the faster songs. They still hold messages yes, but they don’t resonate as much as the faster songs.

The final verdict:  This Is How The Wind Shifts is an album that goes for a high level of creativity and succeeds. The concept works, the instrumentals and vocals are strong, and the album is catchy as all hell. I now am on board with loving Silverstein. It took a while, but now I understand, and I’m damn glad I do.

CHOICE CUT: Stand Amid The Roar

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