Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Summer Set - Legendary
What the hell is it with these misleading titles?
Well, after Fall Out Boy made me angry at pop punk, I looked at the schedule of releases for the rest of April. I saw coming up was Legendary, the third album by The Summer Set. Now, I’ve always considered The Summer Set as kind of a guilty pleasure band. They’re not amazing, but they have some very solid songs on their first two albums. So I thought, “Hmm well Fall Out Boy was so damn bad, this will probably be good compared to that!” Oh how my expectations always screw me over....

Yeah, Legendary is pretty damn bad. It’s by far the worst album The Summer Set have ever produced. At least Love Like This and Everything’s Fine had elements that made them different from a lot of pop punk bands, but Legendary on the other hand, seems to aim for pure mediocrity because of how damn generic it is. Seriously, no song on this album is about anything other than a girl or love. Not hanging out in the summer, not enjoying time with your friends. Hell only 2 songs on the album deal with self-reflection (“Someday”, “Legendary”), and they’re the two best songs on the album by far!

The generic lyricism is just downright awful in how stupid it gets (just go listen to “Boomerang” and you’ll see my point). Every song about a girl you can tell what the lyrics are going to say next! Just look at the song titles, they give away what the song is going to be about. If you look at a title like “Maybe Tonight”, your assumption is it is going to be about a one night love right? Correct, because that is exactly what it is about! There is no original idea in this whole album, and it makes it so damn boring!

Like I said in the Fall Out Boy review though, I am fair. As I said before, “Someday”, and “Legendary” are the best songs on the album. Both are songs about self-reflection (something this band should seriously do after this album) that work wonderfully. It’s the type of songs that do make me remember that The Summer Set is a good band, just when they ignore the generic tropes that make pop punk bands. The band also gets minor points for the How I Met Your Mother line in “Legendary”....what? I love that show, and the line works in the story of the song.

The final verdict:  Legendary is so bland, and generic that it is painful to listen too. The only reason I’m not giving this a totally failing score is because “Someday” and “Legendary” are very solid songs. I just wish that they weren’t on this album of crappy love songs that are so predictable that they all feel the same to me. I know The Summer Set is capable of making good music, but this isn’t it by a long shot as Legendary continues to make my month of April in music f$#*%ng horrible.


CHOICE CUT:  “Someday”

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